Wednesday, October 16, 2013

AGGnews on MagCloud

This is a link to the print version of hte newsletter that I edit for the American Glass Guild.
AGGnews v4.2-3
28 pages, published 10/15/2013
Highlights of 2013 American Glass Guild Conference in St. Augustine, FL, including an article about his talk, Making Glass for Artists, by Eric Lovell. Plus, an introduction to Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, the location of our 2014 Conference -

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Austin Wall

On the Forbes website (with tons of ads, alas), from a few weeks ago -
Old And New Tech Combine In An Artistic Masterpiece

Interesting article about a new glass art commission in a courthouse in Austin, Texas - though it is a bit of a stretch to say that the stained glass technology they are using here is "old".
The appropriate quote -
Of course, in addition to the new technology of 3D imaging, Ross also relied heavily on an older one – stained glass. Although it was conceived on a computer screen, Ross and his studio worked in conjunction with Franz Mayer of Munich Co. to hand make each piece of stained glass used in the work. The glass was composed in two layers – the front layer was engraved, hand painted and fired. The back layer was digitally printed, fired, hand painted, then fired again. The two layers of glass were then laminated together.
This kind of laminated artwork has only been around for a few decades, so 'older technology' doesn't seem quite right. Still, the article and gallery are lengthy and worth a look/read.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mormon TIME Magazine Cover Revisited

With a new Ai WeiWei designed cover for TIME magazine gaining some attention as the "Most Beautiful Cover We've Ever Done", it's time to revisit my post on the least beautiful TIME cover of all time, from just 8 months ago -

You Decide  - Ugliest to "Most Beautiful" in eight months?
A side by side comparison of Time magazine covers, October 2012 and June 2013

Full article below the fold

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Vitreosity on Tumblr

In looking at different options for expanding Vitreosity, I've created a Vitreosity on Tumblr page. I'm not at all sure how it will develop, but here goes...
Screenshot of Vitreosity on tumblr

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Temporary blog for Vitreosity

I'm having some technical problems with my blog Vitreosity. You can still see (most) old posts, but I cannot create new content there for now, and the search function is down. I hope to have the situation fully resolved in a few months, if not sooner. I may or may not be changing the blogging software I use. I figure as long as I have this blog as a bridge I can take my time and get the main blog done right. Sorry for the inconvenience.

In the meantime, at this blog, you can leave comments!